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Android Game FAQ Below are answers to frequently-asked questions about my games:Purchasing:
that means there was a problem with the credit card, and Google wasn't
able to charge it. Check if Google sent you an email about a problem
with it; usually you just have to re-enter the information. If you
re-enter your credit card info and it still doesn't work, email me the
name on the credit card you bought it with, and I can manually have
Google cancel the order so you can try again. For the quickest
response, email me at the address given on the Android Market page
for the game. Also, be aware that I can't access information on why
your card may have been declined: the handling of your card is entirely
handled by Google, so I can't see or control the details. (I can only
see the name on the card and whether it went through.)
The extra charge is just the pending transaction appearing. It will disappear in a few days. Google discusses it here: Also, be aware that when you buy an app on the Android Market, Google completely handles the transaction and then pays the app developer separately. Individual app developers can't access your credit card information and do not have the ability to mischarge you.
The game is still available on the Market. There are a few things that can keep the Market from displaying a game: -After your phone software updates, sometimes it takes a week or so for apps to reappear in the Market. This is the most common cause, and waiting for a week or so usually resolves the issue. -Atomic Bomber requires Android 2.1 or higher, so if your phone uses an earlier version of the Android OS, the game won't appear. My other games only require Android 1.6 or higher. -If the Android Market does not yet support paid apps in your country, the full versions of games won't appear. -If you've done Android Market filtering to remove violent content, Atomic Bomber may not display. You would know if you had done that.
can have both installed at the same time. After the full version
downloads, you should see two icons in your phone's application
launcher. The icon that looks different is the full version. For
Angular Velocity, if you have the free version installed the first time
you play the full version, the full version will import your progress
and stars, so you don't have to start over. After it successfully
imports, you can uninstall the free version. Atomic Bomber:
Android and iPhone versions are the only versions. The game is easier
on a large screen (such as a tablet), but there's no actual secret to
get high scores. It's just that there are close to 1 million individual
games played per week, so a few of those people are bound to get really
lucky (also, some are just really good). It comes down to statistics:
when you take the top twelve scores out of a million, you're going to
see some extreme outliers. (Don't feel bad though; I've never
scored higher than 2000, and I wrote the game.) The only secret
gameplay tip that some people don't know is that you wrap around the
screen if you fly off one side, which is good for dodging missiles.
now the MiG is invincible in the normal game mode-- I added it to force players to fly low
sometimes, so they have to dodge anti-air guns. Without it, players
could comfortably hang out at the top of the screen forever. However,
the full version to lets you fly an A-10, which can shoot down the MiG.
extra life is only available every 6th wave, when it says "get 100% to
earn extra life." If you get 100% on that wave, you'll see it add 1 to
your lives the instant that wave is over.
to the phone menu/settings/manage applications and then choose "Clear
Data." This will erase all saved information, including preferences,
any game in progress, and high scores.
it's a general Android question, it's quickest to do a Google search
for the answer. Otherwise, feel free to email me and I'll try to get
back to you. The "Email Developer" link in the game's Android Market
page is the best way to contact me. <<Back to main Android games page |